Free web hosting: The best option for novices to have a play safe hosting experience
November 24, 2010 | by

As we all know that free web hosting is nothing new in the current online market, but still because of its several advantages it has been continuously doing great day by day. Although there are so many controversies about free web hosting services even then it is most popular among the novices.
This is human tendency to play safe when it comes on investing money especially when you are a newbie. Free web hosting is the best option if you believe in learning before taking a big decision for your online business.
Free web hosting is not always counted the best one because of its limitations and back-draws, but this is only going to matter for you if you want a fully functional web hosting service for your website.
Here I am going to discuss the cons along with pros of free web hosting.
1. Advertisements
If you go for free hosting get ready to have lots of advertisements on your website. Yeah! Web hosting company that provides with free hosting service will only be able to provide you with it, if it earns something from you. Getting ads on your website is the best way to earn. You can’t stop these ads to be shown over there.
If you are a newbie who just wants to learn how a web hosting service works and what you may require in future for your website then you don’t need to worry about these advertisements on your website. Take it like you are practicing with hosting services you will actually need. Don’t put your most important stuffs on this free hosting space, so that you could do it on your paid space.
2. Support
These free web hosting services may not offer any support services for free clients or if they provide that will be less priority. Keep in mind you are practicing, so make a list of problems that you face during your free web hosting experience and whenever you turn to the paid services ask them if they provide the complete solutions for those problems. Isn’t that a great way to learn?
3. Hosting Features
When you will run your website on the free hosting servers you will automatically come to know what features you require to treat with your clients & visitors requirements. As you will get fewer features with a free web hosting service this will be a good time for you to know about all the features that you exactly require for your website.
There are so many pit-holes in free hosting services, but still I would prefer to use them to host your non-profit sites or websites that are in their opening stages. If you plan to own a website of personal interest free web hosting will be the best media to explore your interest. You can use it just like social media websites.
About author: Celvin is the blog post writer for Dedicated Server Hosting provider. Company is committed to provide affordable dedicated web servers with very strict measures of security for customer’s data and privacy protection. Techlineinfo guest blogging guidelines here
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