Google +1 button- A small portion of the bigger picture

June 13, 2011 | by

Taking a page out of many websites, Google has gone the extra mile to make the search engine more user-friendly in terms of interaction. It has done so, in the form of introducing this small button that can help the user share a particular page with his associates. Although the button is not completely in use yet, it is a small portion of the bigger picture. The button mostly allows Google users who are logged in, to share and recommend a particular page to their friends and associates. The button also shows the vote and a thumbnail is also available for presentation if the page shows up in search.
Google Plus one button
The early co-partners were eminent media companies such as Reuter’s, Mashable, The Washington Post Bloomberg and the most commonly used ShareThis which is an active ally toolbar for bloggers and publications that they can place on their respective sites. To publicize the button more, it will also be placed on platforms such as Blogger blogs, YouTube videos and Android Market.

The “+1” button was introduced way back in March but there were numerous problems with it. For instance, if you wished to recommend a particular piece of searched item, you needed to browse through the entire item and then return to the previous page to choose “+1”. Another disadvantage seemed to be the fact people can rarely find out if their contacts can see their recommendation or not.

So, Google’s plan is to basically use the +1 button as a way to add a “social touch” to one of the most powerful search engines in the world. Now, given Google’s mainstay and possibly obsession with traffic, it is not a task to ask millions of devoted Google users to install a small JavaScript code.

There are some difficulties if the button will increase the social aspect of Google. As of now, the only people who can see what you have +1’d are the ones in your existing Google network. Another benefit is to have +1 is beneficial to advertisers. The incorporation of this button has resulted in Google AdWords becoming a little more targeted and that it will benefit corporations that are trying to attract people to their site. This feature also allows people to fine-tune their ads before broadcasting them.

Another question that numerous people have raised is, can +1 be place on other networks, just like Facebook’s Like button? Although it is a sound concept, Google has made it clear, that it will be a while before this concept is turned into reality. Till then, all we can do is “Like” and “Buzz Up” articles that we want our close friends to read.


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