Raflecopter- A one stop solution to automate your Giveaway tasks

November 7, 2011 | by

rafle copter

Giveaways take hell lot of time to conduct which involves planning, collection of entries, tracking, winners selection etc. I used to conduct giveaways regularly in this blog, but  the paucity of time pulls back me to conduct more. Very incidentally I came across a life saver  Raflecopter– an awesome widget application which automates the giveaway tasks. Raflecopter signup was through invitation only, however I got my account very next day  and launched a giveaway (SEOPressor multi site license)  using that. That giveaway was a big success and I could announce the result without any delay.

Here the Raflecopter Direct signup link

Working of Raflecopter

After the signup you can start making your giveaway widget using Raflecopter easy to use self explanatory interface. You can either start from the scratch or duplicate and edit a pre-built one. To start from the scratch, Se the name of your giveaway, which will be displayed on top of the widget.

The second step is adding the prizes and number of copies and the third part is setting entry conditions.

In the this part you can set the options like Tweet a Message, Follow your blog on Twitter, Like a Facebook page, Like the blog post, Leave a blog post comment or can set your own task. You can set one or all the options mandatory to give the entry. Furthermore, you can decide whether a user can like/comment/tweet once in a day or not.

Fourth step is setting the start and end date of your giveaway. In fifth step, you can specify other terms and conditions if any. Click the “Get widget” button and copy the widget code. Paste this widget anywhere in your blog, within the content, sidebar widget or anywhere you like.

You can share this widget to other sites or blogs. If you want to do some editing, just do it in the Raflecopter site and the widgets will be updated automatically in all the places.

Selection of winners

Winner selection is done with the help of api. With a single mouse click you will get the winner.


Go to your Raflecopter account, Select your giveaway and go to the moderate tab. Then click the Add a Winner button. Winners will be selected automatically using list randomization service. You can select as many winners you want. After the winner selection, just click the “Announce” button. List of winners will be displayed in the widget. You can check the winners info and send email notification as well.


I am highly impressed with this application and will continue to use Raflecopter service in forthcoming giveaways also. Stay tuned for more awesome giveaways.


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