Webmaster Tips for Improving Your Website’s Link Structure

June 4, 2011 | by

Website navigation is basically Internal linking structure and is one of the most important aspects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). As Webmaster Tips this linking is the fundamental requirement for spiders of search engine and for end users. Logical navigation can help any visitors in finding their way easily around your website.

As an illustration let us take 1000 different websites which may be linking to your website’s home page and then your home page’s link power can direct you to your website’s other pages.  Now if 50 pages get linked to the home page then your every page will have 1/50th of link power. Suppose now you link only to 10 pages then link power of each page will be increased.

In this way the link power becomes directly proportional to the ranking and hence more you increase the link power the ranking of your page will increase in search Engine. By means of this internal link structuring of any website, it will help directing search engines to most of your website’s pages.

So with well made coding with the right link structure, you can help search engine spiders, access your site easily. Webmasters often pay less attention to this internal link structuring of the website and hence this can create problem to index properly for search engine spiders, thus the ranking becomes difficult in most of the search Engine.

Webmaster Tips to improve website’s Internal Link Structure

By making improvement or by editing your website’s internal link structure, you can certainly get higher ranking for your home or any of the pages of website.  With following Webmaster Tips you can improve the ranking of your website.

  1. Accessibility – You must always ensure that all the important web pages can be easily accessed from your home page so that with one or two clicks you can reach there. It is easier for search Spiders also to index those pages which are couple of clicks away from homepage.
  2. Relevancy – It is also an important parameter for high ranking of your website, so the links must be related to the website and also can identify with that page. So you must choose the links from your website’s pages
  3. Keywords to anchor the text – You must ensure that you have included the right keywords to anchor text of the internal link to pages that you are targeting for higher ranking in most of the search Engines. Here also you must use the keywords, which are relevant to target page.
  4. Add No-follow Attribute – You must add no-follow attribute for all the links which are not too important as far as search engine ranking is concerned. Like the pages which shows private policy or terms and conditions etc. as these pages does not carry much weight for ranking and it is not necessary to link them for search engine optimization. It is also preferable to keep only few links on any page so that the importance of link is not lost, try to remove all needless links from the page as far as possible.
  5. Uses of Robotic Meta Tag – By either using Meta tag or robots.txt file also helps improves the ranking. This can help to exclude irrelevant or duplicate pages from indexing.
  6. Check for errors – Make sure that all your internal links are error free and they do not have any error like “error 404 – not found”. In case you find such error then you must redirect such links to the right pages.

Having used these Webmaster Tips and optimized the website’s link structure, you can proceed for campaigning for link building in order to get quality links for the website. This can help you to obtain higher ranking for your website. If your internal as well as external link structures are well optimized then no other website can beat you in ranking.


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