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What can Microsoft Kinect be? We’ve never heard about such device before, but the truth is that Microsoft Kinect is actually former Project Natal. As you can see, Microsoft has decided to change the name of this device from Project Natal to Kinect for this year’s E3.
As you surely know, Kinect is Microsoft’s response to motion controllers. Remember that Nintendo has presented the first motion controller known as the Wii Remote. Since then Nintendo has set the standards for the new controllers that both Sony and Microsoft are trying to achieve. Sony is working on their new Move controller and Microsoft is working on a Kinect. Kinect is a simple device that you connect to your Xbox 360 with a single cable and you’re ready to go. In fact, Kinect is not the controller, Kinect is simply the motion sensor that captures your motions and transfers it into the game.
So what makes Kinect so special? Well, with it you don’t have to set button configuration or anything for your controller since you act as a controller with your moves. In order to make all of this possible Kinect has a built in camera, audio recorder and a motion sensor that is following 48 different spots on your body. Kinect had a nice presentation recently and several games are shown such as Star Wars, Kinect Sports and Kinectimals. As for the release date of Kinect we’re expecting to see it for this year’s holiday season.
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