Can the iPad2 Really Give Motorola Xoom a Run for the Money?

March 16, 2011 | by

The iPad has taken such a large share of the market that many competitive companies have been putting products out in the market to try and take back a portion of that share. You now have the Blackberry PlayBook, the Samsung Galaxy Tab and the Motorola Xoom… and a whole lot more.

However, even with all the many options that are out there, the Apple iPad still remains on the top for the most part. It still continues to create news and continually trends quite high. In fact, with the launch of the iPad 2, this has sparked everyone’s interests back up and away from the recently released Xoom Table, by Motorola. This is the Android based one. On the cellphone market, the Android is actually on top. However, the Xoom news took a back seat when the announcements came out that the Apple company was coming out with the iPad 2.

Taking a one to one comparison with the Xoom and the iPad 2, you will find many similarities between the two tablets.

These are a few of their similarities

They both come with dual-core 1GHz processors. Given this, you will be able to do a lot more and run your applications faster than the first iPad version that is available in the market.

  • Both also have about 10 hours worth of Web surfing using Wi-Fi and 9 hours if you are surfing over 3G networks.
  • They have 2 cameras, one in front, and the other at the rear.

So, this is just about where the similarities end.

The differences go such as

  • Display screen – Xoom has a display screen of 10.1 inches diagonal with 1280 x 800 pixels (150 pixels per inch). This is better than the iPad 2’s 9.7-inch diagonal screen with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels (132 pixels per inch)
  • Physical Mass – the Xoom is 0.5 inches think and weights 1.6 pounds, whereas the iPad 2 is popular for being really thin and light, it is 0.34 inches think, and about 1.3 pounds.
  • OS systems – the iPad runs on iOS 4.3 initially made popular with the iPhone. The Xoom goes with the ‘Honeycomb’, which has been created specifically for tablet use, and introduced by the Android.

The disadvantage of the Xoom is that it doesn’t have the 65,000 iPad-specific applications. This is what pulls out the iPad above the Xoom, when you make a one-on-one comparison. For now, Xoom users will have to wait until the Honeycomb can accommodate for the various applications.


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