Mobile number portability in India from 01 November 2010

October 27, 2010 | by

If the reports are correct, the much talked mobile number portability is going to be a reality within a week. Through this, the subscribers can switch over to their favorite network without changing the number. The inaugural launch of this project is in Haryana  and subsequently it will be implemented in rest of the states.

The number portability project has already crossed three deadlines . The first deadline was 31 Dec 2009, second on 31 March and third on Jun 30 now the new deadline has been set by the MoT ; that is Oct 31. BSNL has already confirmed that they are ready in all aspects to implement the number portability with effect from Nov 01.

Presently the number portability in India is planned within a state/circle only, means you will not be able to  retain the number of Delhi in Chennai. Now Rs 19/- is fixed for this service. For changing  the service provider, you have to submit the application to the provider you like to be shifted. If you want to switch over from BSNL to Vodaphone then have to submit the request with Vodafone. The locking period is three months.

Update: The deadline has again crossed because some operators are not said to be ready to implement this service. The new date is Nov 25


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