Here the method to access and control your PC from your mobile phone.Through this you can access and edit your files, start and stop applications, control your mouse, keyboard and another devices. All these things facilitate through a free application JM2PC java Mobile to PC.
A mobile phone that’s support Java applications (MIDP 1.0) – GPRS , EDGE or Bluetooth
at least 70 KB of available storage
A desktop or laptop computer with Java (JRE) version 1. 6 or superior. You can download it here.
[download id=”6″]
Running JM2PC Server:
Run the file “RunServer_windows.bat”
Add execute permission and run “” file.
$ cd <JM2PC Server installation path>
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Other OS:
Execute the command line:
java -Djava.library.path=.:./lib/comm:./lib/jsr-82 -cp .:./lib/JM2PCServer.jar:./lib/JM2PCommand.jar:./lib/comm/commLinux.jar:./lib/jsr-82/your_JSR82_implementation.jar jm2pc.server.gui.StartServer
JM2PC Server Configuration:
Language: select the language of JM2PC Server’s GUI
Save Log: enable/disable save log to files
Timeout (min): timeout (in minutes) of JM2PC Client sessions. It can be a value between 0 and 60. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
select the Blue-tooth connection type and JSR-82 mode
Password: choose a password to protect your server.
Click the Start button. A message will be displayed indicating the successfully of the operation and the server is waiting for the clients.
JM2PC Client configurationĀ on Mobile
Download JM2PC_Client.jarĀ and upload the files to your wireless hand held using a USB cable, infrared, or bluetooth.
Select JM2PC Client from applications menu on your mobile phone.
1 – Select (options -> New)
2 – Select connection type – Bluetooth
3 – Select configuration type Automatic (Recommended) or Manual
4-Wait while JM2PC BT Client searches for a Bluetooth device with SPP and JM2PC Server.
5-After the search is completed, a screen with a list of available Bluetooth Serial Port Profile will be shown. Select the correct service (you can select options -> Info to get more information for each service).
6 – After you select a service, a screen with all server’s information will be shown. You only need to enter the password (the same of JM2PC Server).
7 – Select (options -> Save) to store this server’s profile on the mobile.
8- Back to the server’s list. Now you have a new server on the server’s list. Select (Options -> Connect) to start a connection to the server.
9 – After connection established, a screen with the list of functions will be shown. Get the complete user’s guide at to learn how to use all functions.
Plugins help your JM2PC perform specific functions like direct access and control hardware plugged on you computer (like webcam, printers, etc) or fastest control of specific software.
You must install plugin on JM2PC Server and the JM2PC Client load the plugin’s list after establish a connection.
ATTENTION: You need to be a registered user to access plugins in JM2PC Client.
See this video Demo
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