Don’t steal my phone-a free software to protect yourn smart phone from theft

February 7, 2010 | by

mobile thiefSmart phones are one of the revolutionary devices of this decade. Smart phones are the effective blend of multiple gadgets like mobilephone, PDA, camera, GPS, MP3 player…etc. These phones are still costly and  are a nice target for thieves, and unfortunately they’re often packed with sensitive information that can be too easily accessed and exploited. Now a free software named ” Don’t Steal My Mobile ” with attractive features can be used as an effective tool to locate your stolen smart phones (Windows Mobile OS)


  • You can completely delete the personal data like call history, contact, mails, calender, SMS and data in storage card without the knowledge of thief.
  • Rest phone remotely
  • If the mobile is GPS enabled, access the exact GPS location of mobile phone remotely
  • Ring the phone, even it is kept in silent mode.
  • Access all the contacts and call history  remotely
  • Make the thief to call back
  • Get the thief information and cell ID
  • Automatically send  the GPS location and thief’s information to the configured alternate number through SMS on SIM change.

This software will only works with    Windows Mobile 5 and 6 based smart phones like Asus P527, P 565, Various models of HTC (P3400i, Touch viva etc), Samsung i 780….etc

Download and detailed documentation here


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