Google panda update version 2.2

June 16, 2011 | by

A brand new version of Google called Panda was introduced to the Internet world in February 2011. Following that Panda 2.0 and 2.1 hit the markets in April and May respectively. Google’s representative Matt Cutts confirmed that the update would happen within the second week of June. He mentioned that although the update has not hit the market yet, it won’t be long before it did. There are a few major changes listed below:

Matt Cutt decided to take many webmasters’ complaints regarding the re-using or plagiarizing content. Also they complain that websites with original and unique content receive no preference due to websites carrying ripped content. The launch date of this software has not yet been released but is on its way to completion. Panda will be upgraded on a regular basis with more complex algorithm so that plagiarizing becomes more difficult.

2) Hidden Texts

This is one of the most known SEO black hats techniques that are being used by unprofessional content writers and SEOs who believe in hiding the text will make the website more user-friendly. They also believe it will be more user-friendly if the Google Bot crawls through the keywords hidden in the text and will feature on top of the SERP. Panda is revolutionizing and making it harder to allow plagiarized content to get through.

3) Recompilation:

Matt Cutts, at one point said that certain websites earned a black mark after the launch of Google Panda. Since Panda is using more advanced version of algorithm to track ripped content, most websites have lost their rankings, as a result of this. Hence Google has now taken a step back and recompiled the data to help the in-house algorithm to help the websites get back their previous rankings or their original SERPs, which they had before getting penalized.

The above points make it very clear that Google is still a very powerful and its ways of dealing with spam. Not only that the company gets manually involved with their index at a very advanced level to weed out the unsatisfactory results. Panda and its entire future versions will help to provide a new lease of life to webmasters’ who have been submitting quality content for ages and help them receive the recognition they deserve.


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