Business to business companies are now capable of share updates using their fans on LinkedIn. This is actually the first company page functionality that LinkedIn added that might be more efficient with a lot more fans. As more and more businesses are taking LinkedIn seriously and integrating it as a part of their social media strategy we need to analyze how that impacts us and how we can use our LinkedIn presence to boost our online presence.
To make certain you are prepared, listed here are seven methods to increase the amount of fans of the company on LinkedIn.
1. Add Company Page Contact to Your Email Signature
Email remains the preferred communication medium for many companies, so don’t miss the chance to incorporate a hyperlink for your LinkedIn company page in the finish of every message. Encourage other employees to complete exactly the same.
2. Give a Widget Aimed At Solving Problems In Your Niche
LinkedIn provides a good way to produce a company profile widget that try on some your site or blog. This will use a sidebar, or any other a part of your website that’s always visible.
Lets take the best example we can relate to, Sujith himself has made viral extensions for firefox and Joomla that cater to and solve one breed of problem in that niche which immediately seperates him from the crowd and puts him in the position of a leader.
You can find out more about the extension here : Joomla Extensions
Not everybody needs to be a Joomla expert to achieve this. Everyone has a unique talent for which they are trying to establish their presence in the market. For example if you are a linux expert looking for linux jobs then there can be no better way to show your talent and claim your authority in not only the job market but the entire linux market becomes your playground of opportunity.
3. Concentrate On Blog Posting
The easiest method to highlight your LinkedIn company page and improve your fans would be to write your blog about LinkedIn inside your industry and can include a hyperlink for your company page. The post isn’t just a keyword stuffed article but a thought provoking article providing you with some value. It may be the ten top Groups inside your industry or perhaps a how-to article about growing your company using LinkedIn.
4. Promote on Other Social Networking Profiles
You need to market your presence on a single social networking site and leverage it on other social networking sites. Tweet a hyperlink for your LinkedIn company page. Publish it on Facebook too. You have to make certain everybody inside your world understands this site. There’s certainly more quality in the future from all of these company pages.
Interbreeding is the word here. Make sure you use all social platforms to leverage your presence. Just because we are talking about LinkedIn marketing does not mean that our approach should be limited to LinkedIn alone. The intent is to funnel different set of followers from other social profiles to get hooked to your content eventually. This goes in unison with the rule of 7 which states that a person needs to be hammered with a visual 7 times to actually make an impact on the mind and by influencing people on the top social netowrks that they are active on, we are doing just that.
5. Add Company Page Contact to Your Signature
LinkedIn power customers realize that their interaction in LinkedIn Groups facilitate connections contributing to business around the social networking. Instead of sign your Group messages having a backlink to your website, consider using a connect to your organization page rather. People in LinkedIn may notice a page in LinkedIn rather than leave to visit the about page on your website.
6. Help People Unconditionally
This is probably the most or maybe the only reason people actually follow a brand or a profile online – because they expect you to help them in some way. It may be by sharing good content that solves their problems by sharing your expertise or by making tools that will impact their business positively. Never be afraid to help people, don’t forget, when you are in the social sphere, ‘community’ is the world. From my personal experience helping people not only builds your reputation as a helpful person but you immediately become a leader in the eyes of the one who you help.
Talking from my personal example about my interaction with Sujith so far. He has helped me undless number of times with a lot of thins and I am very greatful to him for that, which immediately makes him the person I look up to as an authority out of respect.
7. Golden Rule : Be A Leader And Not A Follower
Its alright to hate me for saying that and you may be offended because some random social media ‘guru’ quoted on their blog that the best kinds of social media mavens are the one’s who listen more and talk less. That is not the case practically. If you take up any successful social media profile you will notice that they share a vast variety of content not just their blog on their profiles to keep their audience engaged.
Always make sure you are providing something of value to the community if you want people to take you seriously. Although listening and following is essential but if listening is your ONLY goal then that will simply make you a good reader and lead to no output and I am sure that is not why we are using LinkedInin the first place. This especially applies to people who have their own business and want to reach out to a wider set of audiences via social media.
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