Taking webpage snapshots easy with the Fire fox addon Fireshot

April 2, 2010 | by

fireshotThere are numerous free / premium web page snapshot applications are available to download but here with this Firefox add-on you can take screenshots of web pages (entirely or just visible part) in a single click. Other than taking  snapshots, this feature-full add-on provide a bundle of tools which enable you to  edit the snapshots  , insert text / graphical annotations etc. This is an extremely useful application for webmasters and web developers.


  • Captures of either the entire web page or the currently visible area only.
  • Screenshots can be saved into  JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP formats.
  • Screenshots can be emailed, copied to clipboard, opened in an external editor or e mailed.
  • Premium professional version of this plugin is also available with added functionality.
  • 30 days free trial of  professional version available without any limitations. It will automatically switch into simple mode in 30 days.

Limitation: Supported with Windows OS only.

Download the plugin


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