Windows recovery CD from AVG-A tool to rescue and repair infected machines
March 25, 2010 | by
The leading Anti virus solutions provider AVG has unveiled another utility for recovering your Windows machines from the potential virus infections. This is a portable Linux based tool which can be boot from a CD or USB device to recover your machine in case of a deep rooted virus attack.
This rescue CD enable you to remove the virus , repair the crashed PC and make it bootable again. In short, this utility is a blend of anti virus software and a system recovery tool.
Key Features
- Free to download
- Comprehensive administration tool set
- System recovery from virus and spyware infections
- Suitable for recovering MS Windows and Linux operating systems (FAT32 and NTFS file systems)
- Ability to perform a clean boot from CD or USB stick
- Free support and service for paid license holders of any AVG product
- FAQ and Free Forum self-help support for AVG Free users
This CD also incorporated with a bundle of advanced administration tools like Midnight Commander (A two panel file manager), Window registry editor, Hard drive recovery tool, Ping tool and the common Linux program and services. See the video.
This free utility can be downloaded from AVG Site. If you have any other paid AVG license, you are also entitled to receive our full technical support.
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