Apple Maps- The biggest mistake – Funny memes and trolls
September 26, 2012 | by

Apple breaks their mighty “No beta policy”. This step back was started from the voice assistant SIRI and now the same mistake repeats through Apple maps. As usual the web world reacted to Apple Maps through funny memes and trolls. Here sharing such memes, trolls and videos that we came across through social networks – not the exaggerated reactions from Android guys or Apple haters. Even diehard Apple fan boys will agree with this.
Still a better map than iOS 6 Map
Buy an iPhone 5, they said comes with a map they said
Google Map vs Apple Maps
ET and Apple Maps
Not sure if drunk driver or is using Apple’s Maps
Not sure – Let me check Google
Apple Maps Development Team !!!
Inception 2010 and Apple Maps 2012 !!
Needs to get hospital fast use Apple Maps
My doctor uses iPhone Maps,so the Apple really does keep him away
It wasn’t Columbus’s fault..ios6 maps said it was India.!!!
Hitler finds out about iOS6 and Apple Maps- Video
Note: All these images are shared though various social networks. If you know the original source- it will be credited.
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