5 Extensions to enhance your browsing experience

June 21, 2012 | by

There are thousands of extensions out there in browser stores which actually climb they are useful,but the true fact is not every app is useful.We make things easier for you by giving you 5 add-ons that can make your browsing experience much better.

Below each extension corresponding Chrome webstore and Mozilla app store links are provided so that you can add the extension directly.

1. Autopager

This cool extension automatically loads the next page of a site inline when you reach the end of the current page,this extension works well with websites which we use frequently like ebay,yahoo,Google e.t.c.The screen shot below shows the second page of Google is broken and merged along with first page

Chrome users install here >>>>>Chrome Web Store link

Firefox Add-on link<<<<<<<<<Firefox users install here

 2.Save As PDF

This is yet another useful extension which many of them will need,as the name goes this extensions helps you to convert the webpage into PDF which you can store it for offline purpose.This extension is very easy to use,just click the Extension button near the address bar,after few seconds the page will be automatically converted into PDF and will show dialog box to save.

Chrome store link >>>>>>>Chrome Web Store link

Firefox Add-on link<<<<<< Firefox link

3. Google Similar Pages

Enjoying the page you’re looking at and interested in other similar pages? Trying to find more pages about a topic you’re researching, but having a hard time coming up with the right query on Google? Google Similar Pages can help,hit the Google similar pages extension near the address bar,after few seconds the extension will come up with suggestion which will have pages similar to page which you view.

Chrome store link >>>>>>> Chrome Web Store link

Firefox Add-on link<<<<<<<firefox store link

4. Panic Button

PanicButton makes it easier for you to hide all of your tabs at once just by clicking on a button. They are then saved as bookmarks in a separate folder. Afterwards, the PanicButton turns green and shows you how many tabs are currently hidden.Once you hit the panic button near address bar it will save and close all the tabs,once when you want to have those tabs back hit again the extension (It will be in green color when it saves page)

Chrome store link >>>>>>>Chrome Web Store link

Firefox Add-on link<<<<<<<firefox store link

5. Last Pass

LastPass is a free online password manager and Form Filler that makes your web browsing easier and more secure.Its a leading Free password manager which allows you to save,edit,share.Once the password is stored the next login you need not enter the password.It also helps for form filling,it will store frequently used fields like name,email etc.


Chrome store link >>>>>>>Chrome Web Store link

Firefox Add-on link<<<<<<<firefox store link

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