Every good web marketer knows that guest blogging is a powerful way of securing vital links to your website, and it is an extremely effective “white hat” way of bringing both links and traffic your way.
If you have knowledge of your subject and the confidence to write about it, guest blogging can be a great way of showing the world that you and your company are a leading voice on the subject and this is the kind of signal that makes Google warm to your website.
So if you are considering putting pen to paper and have a website in mind to host your article, how do you make the first step in grabbing their interest? Your approach email is your chance to make a great first impression, so here’s how to make sure your voice will be heard.
Do Your Research
If you’re aiming high and looking to pitch your article to a leading authority website, you will probably be one of many people to have taken this approach. In order to get ahead of the rest do a little research and make the effort to become part of the community.
Leave comments on other articles, follow people on Twitter and be a part of the conversation. If you have been seen to leave insightful feedback on other people’s articles then you are building your profile on the website and showing yourself to be an authority on the subject that you want to write about. If an editor receives a guest post from somebody who has been active in the community, they are far more likely to publish it.
Link to your Previous Work
If you are going down the guest blogging route then chances are you have been an active blogger on your own website or have examples of previous guest blogs that have been published. When approaching other website owners to pitch your article ideas, include links to other successful blogs you have written to demonstrate what you can do.
Use a bit of common sense when choosing which of your articles to link to. Stick to articles that cover a similar subject to the one you are pitching, and if you have some that are covered in positive comments from readers then that will also help!
Get to the Point!
There’s no point in starting your email with something like “Hi, my name is David and I am a web marketer for Yellow Widget Technologies……” The first thing the reader will do is hit delete.
People’s time is precious and their attention spans are short, so kick off with what you want and what your idea is. If they are interested then there will be time for pleasantries later!
A little ego-rubbing won’t go amiss, so mention individual articles on their site that you have liked and make your approach email as personal as possible.
There’s no substitute for hard work in web marketing, and if you want to get your articles published on the biggest website it is going to take a little effort. Get involved, get talking and make the contacts that count in order to succeed in getting your guest article published.
This is a guest post by Alan who writes articles on issues surrounding the business gifts industry for The Corporate Gifts Company. For guest blogging in Techlineinfo go through the guidelines
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