FIFA wold cup 2010- Alert on malicious search results

June 10, 2010 | by

World cup football is a step ahead. Searching for FIFA world cup updates on search engine can lead you into a big trouble. Fake anti virus sites are striking the hot iron in right time. They are exploiting the golden opportunity to trap the users to their bogus softwares.

Lat month We have already discussed about the emerging threat of Fake Anti Virus softwares.  Now Symantec has issued warning about this threat in view of FIFA world cup. Fake Antivirus sites using extensive search engine optimization techniques and update their sites with appropriate keywords to come in top search position. The contaminated search results may points to the fake antivirus sites and display some fake virus scanning page and security alerts. This will prompt the victims to download their software.

Google has carried out a widespread study on the emerging threat of Fake Anti Virus and taken measures to filter down such malicious search results.

Once the official site of FIFA is available to give you all  relevant updates and precise information about World Cup Football 2010, then why to search other sites and search engines? Update your antivirus software with latest updates.

Source : Symantec


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