How To Effectively Reduce the Bounce Rate of your Website?

July 7, 2011 | by

There are ways to bring down the bounce rate of your website. The tips provided here are such that the visitor does not leave the website without clicking on at least one link.

Here are 12 top tips to reduce bounce rate.
·Have an Attractive Website Layout and a Persuasive Design
The first impression can make a world of a difference, and possessing a fine-looking website and a striking design can result in your visitor sticking around for a longer time. There is a possibility that they will read further and might click a link or two on your website, thus bringing down your bounce rate.
·Keep rooted to the topic
Whenever your visitors are going through your blog or your website, they are naturally looking for some information, relevant to the main subject. If you do not stick to the topic and start mentioning unrelated things, the visitors might feel that you are wasting their time. They will end up leaving your website, irrespective of the good quality of the other posts.
·Concentrate on Keyword Research and SEO traffic
Bringing traffic to the blog is quite difficult, but making sure that the visitors keep on coming to your website, is even harder. Proper keyword research and focusing on SEO traffic can lead to getting your more targeted visitor, who is interested in your website’s theme. They will certainly read more than just a page, and hence, the bounce rate will reduce.
·Use likeable Titles and Tags
Having catchy titles and interesting tags can lead to the visitors clicking them more often, to check those pages out, hence decreasing your bounce rate.
·Maintain Simple Navigation
Having a simple navigation structure for your website is vital. Some visitors might not be that attuned with the Internet usage and hence, could leave the website as they find it difficult to navigate. A simple structure will definitely bring down the bounce rate.
·Provide a Search Box
Providing a search box can be of a great help to the visitors, to find out what they were looking for. This considerable brings down the bounce rate.
·Provide rich content
Content is what drives your website, and if visitors like what they are reading for the first time, they will definitely come back. The articles should be readable and understandable to those who are not well-versed with the English language.
·Quick Website Loading Time
If your website is loading slowly, then there are chances that the visitors will leave if they have to wait for long. Quick loading pages can bring down the bounce rate.
·Provide Random and Related Posts
People might want to read further; hence you may post them at the end of the article.
·Proper classification
Classify your article and posts appropriately to reduce bounce rate.
·Internal linking of Keywords
Usually, people are interested in looking for more information on a topic of their interest.
·Don’t stuff the site with Ads
Stuffing your website with ads can irritate visitors.




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