The Science of Very Small Things

May 6, 2011 | by

Our exposure to technology has increased exponentially in recent years and the world is starting to resemble all of those science fiction films of the last several decades. We’re reaching a point where things we see in moves are realized within years rather than decades or centuries. But our exposure hasn’t reached its fever pitch. It’s likely that this tech integration will continue until it pervades most every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s from school lessons being taught oninteractive whiteboards to interactive touch screen devices, it’s changing everything. Perhaps no other device is quite as exiting, and frightening, as the concept of nanotechnology.

If you’re not familiar with nanotechnology it is, in essence, nanotechnology is the science of very small things. They are usually smaller than a hundred nanometers, which is the equivalent to a thousand atoms across. Bigger isn’t better. Scientists are still trying to understand all of the myriad applications that can go along with this new front in the science world. When get small and take them down to the atomic level, very interesting things start to happen. If you take atomic carbon particles and arrange them in different ways, you get extremely different outcomes. Arranging carbon one way will give you diamonds. Another way it will give you graphite. The possibilities are limitless and through the use of nanotechnology we’ll will, soon, be able to alter the atomic ordering of things. In essence, it is reshaping creation.

There are many other applications for this breakthrough that’s being currently developed and Apple is one of the companies that are devising a way to use Nanotechnology to power future models of their products. The hope is, through using this tech; to completely remove the need for batteries for their mobile devices. In essence, nanotechnology could, some day soon, replace our need for replacing batteries altogether. Scientists are doing this by making the granules inside a battery at a nanometer scale, it’s possible to charge a battery faster and make the charge last longer. People will be able to charge their devices simply through movement. This kinetic charging could possibly be done just through the vibrations and heat from a person’s heartbeat.

Some more fringe applications of this invention are on the part of scientists who want to crate nanotechnology that can replicate itself. In essence, this would create a self-sustaining mechanism built around cloning itself towards achieving a specific task. This is likely to be used to great success in diagnosing and operating on patents in the future and will probably extend our life spans by several years if not decades.

Nanotechnology is a very new science but once it starts to be applied it will most definitely affect every aspect of our lives. From medicine to science, from entertainment to computers, a new world is about to break through and many people don’t even realize it’s happening!

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