How to sync your Dropbox files to Google Drive

April 28, 2012 | by

A couple of days back Google unveiled their cloud storage service  Google Drive . Google Drive is a late comer in this segment but with the support of their huge customer base, it can give strong competition to the market leaders Dropbox, Skydrive, SugarSync etc. Most of us are much familiar with the Dropbox service. Dropbox creates a folder in your device with two GB of storage limit, and the contents will be synced to Dropbox cloud drive automatically.

You may be an existing Dropbox user, but it doesn’t stop you to try the new Google Drive service. Google Drive gives 5 GB storage and it can accommodate your complete Dropbox folder. Moreover your important data will be mirrored in two locations, which works as an additional backup. Syncing Dropbox files to Google Drive is very simple. Just go through the following steps-

Right click the Dropbox icon. Go to “Preferences”, then select “Advanced” tab

dropbox preferences

Change your Dropbox path to Google Drive folder by clicking the Move button. Now your Drobbox folder will be moved to Google Drive folder and it will be synced to Google Drive too.


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