Forums and backlinking strategies

November 9, 2010 | by

Anyone who wants to generate more traffic and end up higher on search engines listing should know that one of ways to do it is to use backlinks in the forums. It benefits not only you, but other internet users. If you still don’t know how backlinks work here is the explanation: they help to get your website higher up the rankings of search engines, because it is a thumb up that your website’s content is worth checking out

As said earlier forums are not only great way to get higher rating, but you also benefit from information and discussions found there from people interested in your niche of business. If you don’t know any forum that specializes in your niche just spend some time on Google search and you will be amazed how many results you will get

Selection of the forum

It is an important step. If you are targeting healthy backlinks and traffic select a high ranked forum of your same niche. After you found a forum related to your needs just register in it. One of the first mistakes that most of the people do is not to fill personal information in their profile. Spend few minutes to do this, because it raises your credibility within other users of the forum and helps to make friends and post backlinks more easily.

Participate in discussions

When you account will be registered and activated you can start participating in the discussions actively. Remember that every reply you post is a backlink to your website (more details later). When you feel comfortable enough try to start your own topic this will draw even more attention to you and your backlink.

Create good signature

After you will write particular number of posts in the forum you will be able to create your own signature. That’s where your backlink will be located all the time, because every time you will post something your signature will follow after it.

Try to create signature that catches attention of everyone and encourages other members to click on your backlink. We are talking about some serious traffic over here!


It has been observed that many people create healthy controversies in forums to get quick attention. Nothing wrong in creating a controversial threads, but should take adequate care that you are not crossing the limit and harassing anyone.

Give your best to become sticky

Your ultimate goal should be to create a post that becomes sticky. It can be hard and time consuming task, but if you could write a great article, insight or guide that covers the main topic of the forum it will be sticked on the top of all discussions forever. Both new and old visitors will read it as a reference and it can generate you hundreds and even thousands visitors in a few days.

We hope that this article will help you to increase your traffic by means of participating in forums. It’s a little bit forgotten way these days, but you can use it to great extent and efficiency.


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