WordPress Firewall- An essential plugin to protect your WordPress blog

September 12, 2011 | by

Wordpress attackHacking- The nightmare of every bloggers. One cannot say his/her website is 100% hack proof. Hackers are smart enough to explore new vulnerabilities to break the locks. The only thing we can do is to close the known loop holes. Few plugins are  available to protect your WordPress installation from attacks. WordPress Firewall is an awesome plugin which works as a firewall to block the external attacks. I am using this plugin in this blog, which successfully blocked and reported several attack attempts.

See the screenshot of the option page.

WordPress Firewall blocks the hackers attempts to expose the proprietary information. All the known suspected parameters are blocked by default. You can optionally whitelist the false positives.

SQL injection is the most common technique used to access the secured information from database , in turn the whole site. By analyzing the vulnerabilities suitable SQL queries are injected to the database through URL and other input fields. WordPress Firewall blocks such known queries and protect your blog. Moreover some common WordPress Specific SQL injection terms are also blocked.

Uploading of image files and video files are common in blogs. By exploiting the vulnerabilities of some plugins like image gallery, media gallery etc, a hacker may privileged to upload  executable files such as .php or .exe to the blogs.  This plugin blocks the executable files such as .exe, .php  etc completely. Common attacks like Field Truncation, Remote File execution etc are also blocked. You can optionally configure as a first plugin to load for added security. With this , attacks  through the vulnerabilities of other plugins can be minimized.



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